Obwohl das Clean Koraput Project offiziell beendet ist, geht die Arbeit natürlich weiter! Hier erfährst du, wie es weitergeht in Koraput. Viel Spass beim Lesen!
Mai 2022 - Koraput
Vor einigen Tagen waren Kamal und ich auf Besuch in der Schule von Joan, die für ca. 200 Kinder einen Ausbildungsplatz und ein Zuhause bietet.
Zum Zeitpunkt des Projekts sammelten sie den Abfall auf dem Gelände oder verbrannten ihn. Die Gemeinde kümmert sich nicht um ihrem Abfall. Wir haben den "Dump" während dem Projekt geputzt, sie mit den entsprechenden Materialen ausgestattet, Verantwortlichkeiten definiert und ihnen den Vorschlag gemacht, ihren Abfall selbst im Dump von Koraput zu entsorgen, damit sich ihr Gelände nicht verschmutzt.
Nun ca. 2 Jahre später waren wir wieder auf Besuch und haben leider festgestellt, dass sich nichts geändert hat und sie im alten Muster weiter gefahren sind. Schade!
March 2022 - Koraput
How the recycling station works: When a car or tractor comes and brings the dry waste, the workers at the station would come and sort out all the plastic. They keep the plastic separate in bags and store the bags in one room. They have one pressing machine, which they use for all plastic bottels. At the moment, they have no use for the plastic, and they just store it in the back of the building. They are planning to send the plastic waste to a factory in another city, but that will take more time to organize. The rest of the dry waste will remain on the dump. We saw some fires and smoke in the dump. When asking if they burn the remaining dry waste, they said no. They would put the wet waste in compound in the big hall to dry it there. After one week, when the wet waste is fully dried, they sort out all the plastic which remained there. Then they let it go trough a big machine, which will grind the waste. They put it up to 5 times trough the machine till it is very fine.
March 2022 - Koraput
Dinesh Bhatra, Augustine KJ and me visited the recycling station. The recycling station is under the goverment, run by the municipality of Koraput. We reached at 9am and the workers were working. Around them were many cows eating from the dump. We had an interview with two women in charge; Jyoshna and Sudharshana. They showed us the whole recycling station and explained the working conditions, routines and answered all our questions.The recycling station is separated into 3 halls. Around the building is plenty of land, wich is used to depot the trash. On the left side of the building they dump all the dry waste, behind the building they bring the wet waste. They are in use of five cars and three tractors. They have 8 employees at the recycling station and other employees collecting the trash from the homes and shops in the city. They work Monday to Sunday from 7am to 12pm.